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Website  Name :: Pretty Southern Chick -

~* Welcome to my world!!! *~

 Well I have finally rebuilt my site. I have been putting it off for so long. I have tore it
down so much. Finally I got something here that I like. It is simple and pretty. A lot of you have been waiting with anticipation, so here it is. A Chinese Astrology page because if you really know me then you know that I love astrology. My poetry corner so that you can read how deep I am. You will also be able to submit poetry to me if you want it displayed upon my page. Tell you a little bit about my hometown and its history, and a few photos of yours truly (ME!) There will be more to come so just sit back and be patient. I am not finish yet…I forgot. I also added a few of my favorite links that I like.

~* Crediting Rules *~

The entire layout was established by Michele of B&M Media ; however, if you choose to link to my site using one of my buttons, feel free to. As long as you're using my designs, the link is required to not be removed. To conclude, it would be nice to know who is in fact using my layouts so, e-mail me so that we can see them in play!

If you need any assistance, do not hesitate to e-mail me at I will get back to you as soon as I can. Thank you, and good-bye!

If you like the music on my page it is by Corinne Baily Rea.
The name of this song is "Like A Star"



Web Master: Ms. Michele
Copyright © 2009 B&M Media. All rights reserved.
Best viewed in IE5+ 800x600 32bit colors.